Sjaki-Tari-Us is a foundation with the focus on children with a mental disability in Bali under the following motto; not less, but differently gifted. We offer children and teenagers with a mental disability a learning program and teach the parents how to educate and take care of their child. We achieve this by sharing and educating our Balinese teachers our western knowledge and experiences in the guidance of these children are helpful as well. Furthermore, we have developed, and still continue to develop, special learning programs. Together with the Balinese teachers we have developed a working culture and learning program that consists of both Western and Balinese influences. This has to lead to a higher quality of the guidance of and education for children with a mental disability. Moreover, we aim for more acceptance of people with a mental disability in the Balinese culture. Our final goal is to transfer our foundations to the Balinese people.

Jan van Halderen, Rotterdammer en vrijwilliger van zorginstelling Laurens Antonius Binnenweg, zamelde geld in voor deze stichting. O.a. maakte hij spekkoek en verkocht hij allerlei spulletjes. Wij organiseerden een barbecue waarvan de opbrengst, een bescheiden bedrag van 100 euro, werd gedoneerd aan Jan zijn sympathieke inzamelingsactie